— Health Equity with Pamaline King-Burns — 2418 E 9th St N, Wichita, KS 67214
Join us for an important conversation around Health Equity with Pamaline King-Burns.
Speaker Bio: Mrs. Pamaline King-Burns earned a Master in Public Administration (MPA) and a Bachelor of Ethnic Studies from Wichita State University. Since January 2009, Pamaline has been a Project Manager for the Sedgwick County Health Department’s (SCHD) Workforce Development Program and is the Workforce Development Specialist (WDS). Leading the health department’s DEIB program. She is an Intercultural Development Inventory Qualified Administrator (idi QA). She is the lead of the Sedgwick County Local Heat Equity Action Team (LHEAT), a coalition of community partners whose aim is to address social determinants of health/health inequities and to build partnerships. Mrs. King-Burns facilitates community viewings and discussions of the acclaimed documentary “Unnatural Causes…Is inequality making us sick?” Lively discussions focus on exploring the impact of social determinants on the health of the population. Discovering that there is much more to our health than bad habits, health care, or unlucky genes. Participants included:
- Fourth year medical students at KU Medical Center, Wichita (KUMC-W),
- Pharmacy students and staff from KUMC-W and the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP),
- The African American Council of Elders of Wichita/Sedgwick County, Kansas (AACOE),
- Wichita Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors,
- Multiple departments of the Sedgwick County Government, and
- All programs of the health department.
She has a demonstrated record of accomplished and productive interactions with diverse groups throughout Sedgwick County and Kansas. It has been her privilege to serve on multiple Boards of Directors and Community Advisory Boards (CAB).
Pamaline is married to Pastor Ron Burns, her high school sweetheart of nearly 50 years. Ordained on the same day, they are CoPastors of World Refuge Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron regularly admonishes the congregation that they have two Pastors for the price of one! Their online YouTube sermons span around the world.
About Wichita Oasis. Wichita Oasis is a non-religious community for people to come together to connect, be inspired, and feel empowered. We meet weekly on Sunday mornings and programming may include featured speakers, live local musicians, potlucks, service projects, game days, and more. The program starts at 11:00 AM, and people are encouraged to come half an hour earlier for coffee, snacks, and conversation.
Kid's Room. Two experienced and vetted adults are ready to help make your child’s experience at Wichita Oasis as fun and engaging as the main program.
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