Election Information

Community engagement and process transparency are central to any election.

About the Board

The board directs and manages day-to-day operations and ensures the long-term health of Wichita Oasis. Members are volunteers from the Wichita Oasis community who volunteer anywhere from 2 to 6 hours per week during their 2-year term. During that time, members work to meet the needs of the community, deepen relationships with community members, network with other groups, and develop leadership skills. Volunteering as a board member is both personally and professionally rewarding!

If this sounds like something you'd like to get involved with, or if you know others that might be a good fit, then use the nomination form to let us know! If you're still undecided, please don't hesitate to reach out to a current board member either in person or through our contact page.

Board Positions

  • President.  Oversees all Wichita Oasis business and provides direction to the board, in accordance with the organization's bylaws. The President also sets the agenda for all board meetings and facilitates each meeting according to Robert's Rules of Order.
  • Vice President. Acts in place of the President in the event of the President's absence.
  • Treasurer.  Monitors cash flow, pays the bills, and maintains financial records. The Treasurer also reports the financial position and activity at board meetings.
  • Secretary.  Records and distributes board meeting minutes, coordinators and schedules board meetings, and maintains accurate records.
  • Chief of Operations. Ensures that Sunday Gatherings run smoothly and that speakers and musicians have access to the technology and hardware they need. The Chief of Operations also maintains and monitors Wichita Oasis assets.
  • Child Care Coordinator. Ensures the safety of the kids in the Kid's Room by maintaining records for each kid (such as allergy information), preparing age appropriate activities, maintaining appropriate teacher-to-kid ratios, and ensuring that all teachers are qualified and prepared.
  • Social Media Coordinator. Creates content, promotes events, and manages administrators and moderators on Wichita Oasis' social media channels.
  • A/V Coordinator. Works with the Chief of Operations to ensure that audio/video resources are procured, maintained, and used in a responsible manner. The A/V Coordinator serves in place of the Chief of Operations in their absence.
  • Outreach Coordinator. Coordinates outreach, community engagement, and volunteer opportunities.

Visit our about us page to learn about the current board members. 

Note: Wichita Oasis provides Directors & Officers liability insurance to its board members.


  • September: nominations are open
  • October (1st half): nominees are confirmed
  • October (2nd half): feedback is open
  • Early November: current board elects new members; nominees are notified and results are announced
  • Late January: inauguration and meet-and-greet of new board members

Why are only some of the board positions listed?

Wichita Oasis staggers board elections to help with continuity between boards, so not all positions are up for re-election every cycle. 
  • Odd years: President, Secretary, Chief of Operations, Outreach Coordinator, and Child Care Coordinator. 
  • Even years: Vice President, Treasurer, A/V Coordinator, and Social Media Coordinator. 

Also, off-cycle positions that are vacant or are currently held by temporary appointments are up for re-election for a 1-year term (instead of a 2-year term).